Traditional service is predicated on insurance companies and mental health facilities. At Kee Essentials, our full-service concierge psychiatry practice will focus on quality over quantity and personalized, accessible service over voluminous, perpetual waiting rooms and assembly line processing.

Concierge medicine centers on the relationship between patient and provider. Our commitment to be available to you when the need arises, distinguishes Kee Essentials from any traditional treatment facility. Most importantly, we value the time spent addressing your concerns after the visit is complete. The opportunity to call me directly and get a personal reply to any questions or concerns is invaluable. Urgent needs are scheduled within a day or two and new patients typically within a few days. Additionally, through flexible hours and scheduling, prescriptions can be sent electronically to your pharmacy. This individualized care is a novelty of mental health and wellness.

A defining feature of concierge medicine is how payments are conducted. Kee Essentials is not a member of any insurance panel and does not accept insurance payments. If you are planning to use your insurance, contact them to determine if concierge medicine is part of your plan or if reimbursement for services are provided. We are available to discuss rates or answer your questions.